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How To Do Research For Your Essay or Term Paper

The research stage is critical to the success of your term paper or essay. Today, in the early 21st century, you have two options open for research. One is the library, the second is the Internet.

Research in the Library

In general, the library provides a far wider and deeper range of research materials than does the Internet at present. Books and journal articles for almost every research topic are available at most college and university libraries. However, the cataloguing systems of many libraries leave a lot to be desired. A handy trick: to save time, students should get the call number of a book or two in their subject area and browse the stacks in that call number area. You will find more books specifically on your topic faster by this means than through the fastest library catalogue database.

Online Research

If you do not have easy access to a library, or if your classmates have taken out all the books on your topic (both common occurrences), you are facing a challenge. Online essay services like Essay Experts offer students a fast and reliable way around this problem. There are a number of other online resources available for students doing research. The search engine Google offers an unparalleled range of materials on almost any topic, indexed according to popularity of access. Through Google, for example, one might find journal articles on your topic published online. However, a word of caution is necessary here. While the range of Google's resources is practically infinite, the depth of those same resources can be measured in virtual inches. It is precisely for this reason that most professors look sceptically at term papers or essays based entirely upon Internet sources. An alternative online resource are sites such as eLibrary ( that give access to a wide range of magazine, periodical and newspaper resources. As articles accessed through such resources are not really Internet documents, they tend to have more depth and reliability than purely-Internet sources. Sites such as eLibrary are subscription services, and require payment for access. However, many - including eLibrary - also have 7-day free trial use (the perfect option for impoverished students!).

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