Time Management for the Distance Learner
Distance learning gives students the freedom to work at their own pace and develop their own learning styles to help them succeed. However, the same freedom also creates potential perils for distance learning students who haven’t learned to manage their time properly. Distance learning requires students to develop solid time management skills to avoid falling behind. Fortunately, with a few simple tricks, you’ll be on the path to distance learning success.
First, the downside: Many students take advantage of the fact that distance learning courses frequently let students post discussions at times of their choosing and work on assignments at their own pace. To some, this becomes license to slack off or post things at the last minute. It also encourages students to fall behind since instructors aren’t always watching over every student’s actions.
Now, the good news: A few time management tricks will help you stay out of trouble. First, develop a weekly schedule. Set aside specific times during the week to focus on schoolwork. A good rule of thumb is that a 4-credit course should take about 10 hours per week. Set aside blocks of time on a schedule (say, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday from 5-7 PM) and follow that schedule.
Next, maintain a calendar. Keep a list of when assignments are due and when discussions need to be read and posted. You’re working independently, so it’s up to you to keep track.
Lastly, treat your course like you would a job. If you take it seriously and commit to following a schedule and doing work regularly, you’ll be that much farther ahead when assignments come due.
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