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How To Write An Essay

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As a university student, you'll have to write an essay once in a while. The length and content of the essay will vary depending on the subject, your level, and the requirements of your course. However, the objectives of academic essays are always the same. You will use the essay to persuade the reader to agree with your perspective or position in an argument. You'll have to base your arguments on interpretation and analysis, and also provide evidence.

An essay is usually divided into three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

Essay writing procedure

The first step in writing an essay is preparation or planning. The next step is the actual writing, followed by editing and revision. The effort and the time you spend on each step will depend on the essay type and the topic.

Essay Preparation/planning

This step involves:

  • Understanding the subject/assignment
  • Understanding the audience
  • Choosing the right essay topic (if not given)
  • Conducting preliminary research
  • Developing an effective thesis statement
  • Creating an outline

Coming up with an essay topic and developing the thesis statement are perhaps the most challenging components of essay planning. However, with the help of the experts from, you can easily sail through these steps.

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Writing the essay

This is the step in which you do the actual writing. It involves:

  • Writing your introduction
  • Providing evidence for your arguments
  • Writing the conclusion

Editing and revision

This is the final step in writing an essay. It involves:

  • Evaluating and reviewing the content of each part
  • Proofreading and editing your work
  • Checking for plagiarism

How to write an essay introduction

The introduction is a vital part of an essay. It should cover about ten to 20 percent of the text, and it should be attention-grabbing. An introduction is a part where you inform the reader what the essay is about. To write an effective introduction, you need to:

  • Entice the readers by piquing their curiosity and interest
  • Provide context and background on your subject or topic
  • Define your objective(s)
  • Formulate your thesis statement
  • Provide a clear roadmap for your content


The body of your essay

You already have your thesis statement. In the body of the essay, you need to provide evidence to support the statement. Make arguments and develop ideas to convince the reader that you are right in your arguments.

The body of the essay should cover about 60 to 80 percent of the text. For a high school essay, the body can take about three to five paragraphs. College or university essays can be as long as eight to ten pages. The number of words can be as high as 6,000 words.

Usually, an essay has a paragraph structure. Each paragraph has to deal with a particular point of argument.

Finally, write an essay conclusion

The conclusion should take about 10 to 20 percent of the essay. You should use it to tie up the arguments in the essay. The conclusion is also the part where you emphasize the significance and relevance of your thesis statement for academia, policy, and the entire world. Finish it up with an impactful and memorable sentence.

As you can see, coming up with a high-quality essay is an uphill task. However, with the help of, you will get top-notch essays written by experts.

Writing an essay? Trust Essay Experts Today!